Carriage 2 restoration

Carriage 2 was taken out of service during 2021 after being inspected and shown to be in need of considerable repair or renew. The main steel base frame (chassis) needed replacement due to degraded metal, the bogies, wheels, axles, bearings were all in need of replacement parts and engineering work.

The coachwork was in a generally a poor state with all sides rotting out. The roof cross beams and panels were considerably degraded, however the reuse of the roof frame, doors and seats were all in good condition and restorable.

The considerable engineering works, replacing most of the steel chassis required for Carriage 2, will be undertaken by Blue Funnel Ferries, costs of which are the responsibility of HPHA.

Carriage 2 is the first of two “driving” carriages that will be restored. The driving carriages are at the front of the train allowing it to be driven. Controls in the carriage control the tractor unit at the rear of the train. Driving carriages are far more complex in terms of brake and other controls and electric connections. This complexity means that the cost of restoring the carriage is likely to be 150% greater than the cost of restoring a “normal” carriage.

Prefabrication of the wooden coachwork and associated parts such as seat frames, panelling and doors etc will be undertaken off site by the expert volunteers in the Hythe Shed (at the pier).

Prior to commencement of the works Blue Funnel gifted ownership of the carriage Hythe Pier Heritage Association formalised by a Deed of Gift.

The target is to return the carriage to normal operation in mid 2023



Volunteer Hours


Estimated Cost


Expenditure to date


Percent complete

Statistics as of 26th Jan 2023

Project Funding Organisations