I cannot recall the last time that I saw quite so many people on and around Hythe Pier. Last Saturday will certainly be a day that I will remember for a long time to come. Rock The Pier 2019 seemed to excite and enthuse you all and you turned out in force to show your support for our project to protect and preserve, restore and redevelop Hythe Pier for public benefit.
I thought the music was great with a real mix of styles that seemed to combine and create a vibrant, dynamic and wholly entertaining show. Your appreciation and support made a real difference and the atmosphere around the main stage area was amazing.
Of course, those of you who ventured down to the pier head were able to enjoy refreshments in the Waiting Room, where our pop-up café was once again proving popular and more great music with musicians entertaining visitors and ferry users alike. I think we proved that the pier can once again become a destination and a place that can provide a vibrant community facility.

I know you will appreciate that planning and organising an event of this scale takes a lot of hard work so I make no apology for saying a very big thankyou to everyone who worked so hard to create what really was an outstanding day. I also want to thank Blue Funnel Ferries for working with us to make sure the event and all the activities on the day could proceed without any disruption to the ferry service, the pier and ferry are now and always will be intrinsically linked and dependent upon
each other so it is really important that we continue to collaborate and work together to create a new sustainable future, something I am sure you agree, we all want to see.
I know you will also understand that these events cost money to stage, even though all of the musicians gave their time freely to perform for you, the cost to provide the infrastructure, the safety arrangements, the stage and sound systems, the first aid cover and publicity all add up. We are really proud that we had local organisations supporting us this year helping to offset these costs, so
to the Waterside Network Group, to Maples Guest House, to ExxonMobil, and to General Estates, who sponsored different aspects of our event I would like to say how much we appreciate your support and hope that we can build a long term relationship that is good for us all.
What really struck me about the event on Saturday was the overwhelming sense of community spirit that seemed to shine through, it was great to see and hear so much goodwill and positivity. It reminded me of one truth, that when we all work together we can achieve so much more.
This event proved to be our most successful to date and through your generosity we have raised around £7,000 which will help to fund the next phase of the design development work. More than that though together we are putting the pier back at the heart of this community which is where it belongs.

On behalf of everyone involved with Hythe Pier Heritage Association I offer our thanks for your continued support.