Carriage 4 restoration

Carriage 4 was taken out of service during 2017 (leaving Carriages 1, 2 & 3 in operation) after being inspected and shown to be in need of considerable repair. The main steel base frame, bogies, wheels, axles, bearings had recently been upgraded by Blue Funnel were in a good state of repair.
The coachwork was in a generally a poor state with one of the side frames rotting out. The decision was taken to repair as far as needed to return to a safe operation.
Prefabrication of the wooden coachwork and associated parts such as seat frames, panelling and doors etc was undertaken off site in the Hythe Shed.
All engineering works required for Carriage 4 were the responsibility of Blue Funnel. HPHA managed and supervised the works together with Blue Funnel as a collaborative project.
Prior to commencement of the works Blue Funnel gifted ownership of carriage number 4 to Hythe Pier Heritage Association formalised by a Deed of Gift.
Carriage 4 was returned to normal operation at the “Back On Track” celebration on 6th May, 2021.
Project Funding Organisations