Dear members, volunteers and to all those who follow and support the activities of the Hythe Pier Heritage Association.
I wanted to share with you our message of support for Blue Funnel Ferries, the operator of Hythe Ferry. I am sure that you are all aware that on April 18th the ferry operations were suspended due to the dramatic turn down in passenger footfall that followed the extraordinary measures imposed by central Government to control the Covid-19 epidemic here in the UK. Blue Funnel like so many small and medium sized businesses is now facing real challenges with great uncertainty and a complete collapse in demand for its services.
As you know the Hythe Pier Heritage Association has been working with Blue Funnel since 2017 in an effort to secure a new future for the Hythe Pier and the Hythe Pier Railway. The plans for the restoration of both of these assets are now taking shape and legal agreements between ourselves and Blue Funnel are at an advanced stage.
With design development for the pier restoration in progress and works to restore the pier railway all set to begin, this national emergency and health crisis could not have come at a worse moment.
The continuation and development of a vibrant and viable ferry operation is essential to the long term success of our community project. It would be a disaster if the ferry operator were to fail.
Our objects and purposes are two-fold, the first is to preserve, protect, restore and redevelop the pier, train and associated buildings and structures for the benefit of the community and the wider public. The second is to share and advance the education of the community and the wider public in the history and heritage of the pier, train and ferry.
This crisis is unprecedented and the circumstances are exceptional. Without the ferry our pier has no central purpose, without the pier the ferry has no landing place, the two are intrinsically linked, right now there is a common purpose and I have today made my own personal contribution. I therefore have no hesitation in asking you to support their appeal and I am sharing it on our face book page.
Peter King